Glasshouse Project
Performance Records: The Persona Works of Linda Mary Montano
Monday, March 31, 7pm
Hosted at Rosendale Theatre

Image Gallery

Some more images of ‘Edible Bodies’ at @glasshouse247 last Saturday. ‘Fit to Eat’ an edible participatory installation by Birgit Larson which invites participants to eat their thoughts.
#ediblepergormance #edibleart #performanceart #participatoryperformance #durationalperformance

Sergey Jivetin @sjivetin creates an edible installation surrounded our soup garden at Edible Bodies last weekend.
The vegetables are gilt in 24K Gold leaf.
The Spectacle art pieces invited participants to step back in time and re-discover a sense of wonder, while playfully examining the micro and macro aspects of their food. Edible Bodies is a performance series organized by @bylitaldotan for @glasshouse247
#ediblepergormance #edibleart #performanceart #participatoryperformance #upstateny #upstateart

Heather Sincavage @hsincavage performing ‘Monstrous and Terrible to Behold’ last weekend at Glasshouse during ‘Edible Bodies’ organized by @bylitaldotan for @glasshouse247 #edibleart #edibleperformance #performanceart #durationalperformance

A few more days left to submit your DURATIONAL Performance proposals and be part of Present Continuous 24h Performance Festival
July 22-23 as part of @upstateartweekend
Extended deadline: Proposals due by May 8, 2023
As part of our annual theme ’Present Continuous’, Glasshouse Project is seeking performance submission from visual and performing artists for a 24h durational performance festival happening on Saturday-Sunday, July 22-23, 2023.
Proposals should be of durational performances 3-24h long. Performances will be happening simultaneously throughout the indoor and outdoor spaces at Glasshouse, timed throughout the festival’s duration: Saturday & Sunday July 22-23 8am-8pm **More info in bio #durationalperformance #opencall #performanceart #performancefestival #upstateny #upstateart #artistrunspace

We are so excited to host
Saturday, May 13, 5-7pm
An evening of outdoor food-related performances
Heather Sincavage, Sergey Jivetin, Birgit Larson
This event is part of our 16th season, titled: 'Present Continuous'
Each performance will be durational, ongoing for 2 hours, repeated within this timeframe as needed.
RSVP and bring a 🌱🌱 plant 🌱🌱 to add to our growing community soup garden!
$10 suggested donation at the door (100% to exhibiting artists).
*image captions from left to right:
1. Birgit Larson @ultra.birgit , Reasons for Licking 2013 2. Sergey Jivetin @sjivetin , Spectacle 2016 3. Heather Sincavage @hsincavage , Monstrous and Terrible to Behold, 2021
#foodperformance #edibleperformance #ediblebodies #upstateny #upstateart #outdoorart #durationalperformance #performanceart #glasshouseproject #artlifelab

Last night was magic. Thank you to the performers and all who joined, including the weather that added it’s thunders to the electromagnetic symphony.
1- Aine Nakamura performs in the basement @ainenaka
2- Jaguar Mary X @jaguarmaryx performs in the shed
3- Winslow & Nancy Kim @nan_kim_ activating the shower
*more images to come*
Drinks generously provided by our talented neighbors at @coppersea
#durationalperformace #upstateart #performanceart #sonicart #sonicperformamce #echo #memory #archive #live

ECHO is Tomorrow! Jaguar Mary X, Kite aka Suzanne Kite, Aine Nakamura, Craig Chin, Al Margolis and WINCY (aka Winslow & Nancy Kim)
@jaguarmaryx @kitekitekitekitekite @nan_kim_ @ainenaka @craig.chin
ECHO is dedicated to sonic performances, which explore themes of memory through reverberation, repetition or reflection in performance. Each of the performances will be presented simultaneously, immersed in the domestic scapes of our premises.
RSVP link in bio
Drinks generously provided by our talented neighbors at @coppersea

Join us next Saturday April 15 5-7p at Glasshouse
Jaguar Mary X, Kite aka Suzanne Kite, Aine Nakamura, Craig Chin, Al Margolis and WINCY
ECHO is dedicated to sonic performances, which explore themes of memory through reverberation, repetition or reflection in performance. Each of the performances will be presented simultaneously, immersed in the domestic scapes of our premises.
RSVP link in bio
Drinks generously provided by our talented neighbors at @copperseadistilling
1- @ainenaka Aine Nakamura performs at The LAB, SF 2022
2- @nan_kim_ WINCY "The W(hole) That Got Us Through"
Vulva / Body Stamping Performance, Homemade hibiscus watercolor
Love Me Love Me Not, 2021
3- @craig.chin Errant Space Performing in Jessica Angel's Grids Of Formation in Newburgh, NY (Photo: James Holland)
#durationalperformace #upstateart #performanceart #sonicart #sonicperformamce #echo #memory #archive #live #supportartists

We are thrilled to host Kite aka Suzanne Kite @kitekitekitekitekite at the group performance show ECHO April 15 5-7p at Glasshouse. She will be performing Maswíčayeǧe-olówaŋ (Sewing Machine Song)
RSVP link in bio.
Kite aka Suzanne Kite is an Oglála Lakȟóta performance artist, visual artist, and composer raised in Southern California, with a BFA from CalArts in music composition, an MFA from Bard College’s Milton Avery Graduate School, and a PhD from Concordia University. Kite’s scholarship and practice investigate contemporary Lakota ontologies through research-creation, computational media, and performance. Kite has also published in books, journals and magazines, including in The Journal of Design and Science (MIT Press), with the award winning article, “Making Kin with Machines,” co-authored with Jason Lewis, Noelani Arista, and Archer Pechawis. Kite was a 2019 Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation Scholar. Kite is currently a 2022-2023 Creative Time Open Call artist for the Black and Indigenous Dreaming Workshops with Alisha B. Wormsley, a Research Assistant for the Initiative for Indigenous Futures, and Artist in Residence and Visiting Scholar at Bard College.
Captions for Images:
Image #1: uŋȟčéla wílečhala, for Nathan Young (Waxing Crescent Peyote Moon), 2020
Silver thread and beads on black leather. 39 × 33 1/2 in. (99.06 × 85.09 cm).
Image #2: Potential Transformation of Power, 2018, Silver thread on black leather, 21 x 18 in.
Image 3: Tho Win (Blue Woman) #1, Silver Thread on Blue Leather, 4 ft x 4 ft
#durationalperformace #upstateart #performanceart #sonicart #sonicperformamce #echo #memory #archive #live #supportartists

We are so excited to announce the artists in ECHO
Save the date, RSVP and Join us Saturday, April 15, 5-7pm
ECHO- An evening of durational sonic performances featuring live works by:
Jaguar Mary X, Kite aka Suzanne Kite, Aine Nakamura, Craig Chin, Al Margolis and WINCY
ECHO is dedicated to sonic performances, which explore themes of memory through reverberation, repetition or reflection in performance. Each of the performances will be presented simultaneously, immersed in the domestic scapes of our premises.
RSVP link in bio
Durational live works by: @kitekitekitekitekite @jaguarmaryx @ainenaka @craig.chin #almargolis #wincy @nan_kim_
Image caption: 45 Cracks by @jaguarmaryx performed at @graceexhibitionspace 2017 (image courtesy of the artist).
#durationalperformace #upstateart #performanceart #sonicart #sonicperformamce #echo #memory #archive #live

*’Edible Bodies’ proposals extended deadline- March 20*
We are so excited to dive into the proposals sent to our upcoming event ‘ECHO’ (coming this April!)
While this application is now closed we are extending the open call for ‘Edible Bodies’ which invites artists, educators, shamans and artisans to submit proposals for projects that have an edible component. The event will take place on May 13.
More details in bio
#opencall #upstareart #performanceart #durationalperformance #liveart #foodart #upstatefoodie

A few more days are left to submit your work to be included in our two upcoming programs: Echo in April is dedicated to sonic performances and Edible Bodies in May is for participatory projects that involve food.
Deadline is Monday, March 5
details in bio and feel free to email us with any questions
Image: @chenphyllis321 performs at Glasshouse in 2022
#opencall #upstareart #artlifelab #artistrunspace #artistresidency #supportartists #community #performanceart #sonic #soup #generosity #neodomesticity #durationalperformance

We are excited to extend 4 open calls for events happening at Glasshouse this year! Check our bio for link with details
April 15, Echo- A sonic-oriented live event of durational live performances .
Application deadline: March 5, 2023.
May 13, Edible Bodies- An outdoor event around edible performances.
Plus more on our website! Application deadline: March 5, 2023. Full link in bio #opencall #performanceart #upstateny #upstateart #outdoorart #artistrunspace

Art works well with snow ❤️
1. Michael Fortenberry’s gates (to our soup garden) @michael_fortenberry
2. Khadija Baker’s Tanoor (looks snug under the roof) @bakerkhadija
3. Emilio Rojas’ performance ephemera from ‘Ash to Ash’ @performanceroarte
4. Post soup garden @glasshouse247
5. Fallen tree bench
6. Glasshouse (image by Eyal Perry)
Help us support more artists in the coming year, consider donating to Glasshouse (link in bio)
#upstateart #snow #performanceart #art #sculpture #outdoor #endofyear

Rae Goodwin @goodwinrae performs ‘Infertile Soil’ October 8 @glasshouse247
Part of Glasshouse’s 15th season titled ‘the captive spectator- on the otherhood in motherhood‘
#upstateart #upstateny #performanceart #archive #glasshouse #artlifelab #performancecare

Join us next Saturday, October 8 for INFERTILE SOIL, Live performance by @goodwinrae at @glasshouse247
In her new performance art work Rae Goodwin enacts empathetic responses to the death and dying of motherhood in many species including: bees, other pollinating insects, and humans. We rely upon beautifully strong yet fragile pollinators for a significant percentage of our food. Perhaps because of this, bees are referenced or illustrated in artwork throughout human creativity. This new performance work shines a light on their dying societies, so closely tied to ours. As a part of this examination in performance, Goodwin intertwines notions of mothering, loss and beauty as it arises from love. #performanceart #upstateny #performancesculpture

Some images from Laurie Berg’s playful dance installation/performance ‘Circuit Training’ at Glasshouse last Saturday ❤️ done in collaboration with Jillian Sweeney @lbergyberg @jilliancs
Such a fun, engaging way to contemplate past present and future of a dance practice
Part of Glasshouse’s 15th season titled ‘the captive spectator- on the otherhood in motherhood‘ curated by @bylitaldotan
#upstateart #upstateny #performanceart #archive #dance #experimentaldance #movementresearch #movementarchive #danceny #dancenewyork #glasshouse #artlifelab #performancecare