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Hatred of Solitude

“Chris Kraus: Could you tell me about the dream you had last night?
Sylvère Lotringer: What was the dream?”

Hatred of Solitude
Friday, March 27, 2015, 8-10PM
Evening of performances curated by Georgia Wall & Millie Kapp

Hatred of Solitude / Sharing is Caring is an experiment in curation as a creative commons.
on March 1st, seven artists shared their work with each other and invited in the possibility of influence.
the artists became one anothers’ inspiration, muses, reference points- even if temporarily. they looked again and they listened.

a night of performances on March 27th features each artist’s work after a period of incubation following the sharing. the work will reflect the artists’ conversations, overlaps and disjunctures. this is their homage to each other indirectly.

how did these artists let each other into their dreams, desires, questions and challenges? this is a proposal for enacting care and critical ways of being with each other that can spill over and out into the world.

featuring work by William Fortini, Kelsey Harrison, Millie Kapp, Thea Little, Alex Rodabaugh, Samantha Topol & Georgia Wall

Earlier Event: March 21
Performeando: Alien
Later Event: May 29
Homage To Pina Bausch