M.O.P is Glasshouse’s blogazine platform. The name stands for Mothers Of Performance- dedicated to all performance mothers- those who provide space, those who inspire heritage and those who bring life. Also, when one operates a performance art space one understands mopping in whole new ways.
We publish conversations, essays, reflections and special projects of Glasshouse and beyond that give performance it’s sometimes missing context. If you’d like to become a contributor- please send us a note
Ms. Understanding is a series of conversations Lital Dotan made in the bathtub at Glasshouse with leading female performance artists. These conversations were part of ‘Wednesdays’ weekly platform for live performance broadcast at Glasshouse 2017-2018. Each Wednesday at 8pm a live performance was broadcast from Glasshouse’s domestic environment. The performances rotate weekly between the bedroom, bathroom, kitchen and living room spaces, offering refreshed modes of hosting, teaching, learning and practicing performance- while blended with life.
The following performance “recipes” were part of ‘Wednesdays’ weekly platform for live performance broadcast at Glasshouse 2017-2018. The cook-book series re-thinks methods for teaching performance. Each presentation was accompanied with a list of ingredients, performance method and a demonstration by the artist.