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Current Mill- Homage To Futurist Manifesto

Current Mill- Homage to The Futurist Manifesto

Anya Liftig, Jodie Lyn-Kee-Chow, Emelie Hedvall and Adi Eytan

‘Current Mill’ is a performance evening dedicated to the Futurists Manifesto presenting works exploring an edible performability of current agendas.

Anya Liftig creates a tactile performance of edible feminist agenda;
Jodie Lyn-Kee-Chow presents a Jamaican-Style offering inspired by the Futurist Cook-Book.
Emelie Hedvall and Adi Eytan present Shift: 8- a kitchen factory in an undisclosed place and time where humans were abandoned by their machines and desperately try to replace the systematic mechanism with their own.
Alexandra Tsubota and Nicholas Grubbs present a dance piece that grapples the relationship with animals as food through the eyes of the machine.

‘Current Mill’ is part of 'Edible Bodies’ program at Glasshouse.
"Food is a relational actant. It manifests a temporary otherness- once swallowed its coherence gradually dissipates until it completely absorbs in the body. Once dissolved it becomes our cells. The edible gets assimilated into us. It has a formative power which acts on the body. It's a process that performs much longer than the act (of eating). For most of us, its a daily Happening. A repeated ordinary act. The edible as a truly immersive, relational, durational performance of an other is the focus of this singular performance program.”

The Homage Factory at Glasshouse is a collective, autodidactic effort, seeking to reinforce and elaborate on art-historical trajectories in performance art and to respond to the methods and modes of influential performance artists. These performances are not attempts to reproduce past or existing performances, but are rather responses to particular concerns, aesthetics and ideas that the performing artist identifies in the homage artist’s work.

Glasshouse is the art-life-lab of artist Lital Dotan & photographer Eyal Perry, hosting artistic practices that are based on performance and participation in the domestic sphere. Glasshouse in Williamsburg hosts performances, thematic exhibitions, residency program, festivals and special events, all dedicated to promote deeper understanding of performative practices and social discourse. Glasshouse is liquid. Have some soup.

Earlier Event: September 23
Sites Of Absence
Later Event: January 27
Arta Balina In Residence