7 Invitations
7 Invitations
7 invitations is a gathering of essays that document and respond to seven projects made by artists, researchers and curators at Glasshouse ArtLifeLab during the years 2012- 2014. Each responds to an invitation extended by Lital Dotan & Eyal Perry to enter, to homage, to transgress, to resist, to tell, to fail and to construct. Contributing writers include: Sara Jane Bailes, Lital Dotan & Eyal Perry, Jennifer Johung, Zoya Kocur, Esther Neff and Nick Zedd. Glasshouse is a durational ArtLifeLab founded by artists Lital Dotan & Eyal Perry. Glasshouse in Brooklyn hosts performances, discussions, workshops, residencies and guided visits, all dedicated to promoting performance practices and discourse in the domestic sphere.